The prestigious Arlette Gruss Circus returns with its new show: Eternel
This new show brings together the finest circus acts of the moment: juggling, acrobatics, clowning, magic and trapeze. A great time for all the family!
Adults: €19 to €49 / Children aged 3 to 12: €19 to €49 / Free for children under 3 (on an adult's lap) / Dinner and show: €88 to €116 (adults), €39 to €63 (children), bistro €65 to €75
This new show brings together the finest circus acts of the moment: juggling, acrobatics, clowning, magic and trapeze. A great time for all the family!
Adults: €19 to €49 / Children aged 3 to 12: €19 to €49 / Free for children under 3 (on an adult's lap) / Dinner and show: €88 to €116 (adults), €39 to €63 (children), bistro €65 to €75
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