Société industrielle de Mulhouse - Square de la BourseSociété industrielle de Mulhouse - Square de la Bourse
©Société industrielle de Mulhouse - Square de la Bourse|OTC Mulhouse et sa région

Discover Mulhouse

The highest Protestant building in France, the most prestigious automobile collection in the world and an outstanding museum, the only Michelin-starred Italian restaurant in France, protected animals in an exceptional botanical garden, rehabilitated industrial wastelands, the largest market in Eastern France, designer boutiques, cute little half-timbered villages… are only a few of the assets that make Mulhouse and its region a destination that combines Alsace with something atypical, dynamic and surprising that attracts some 2.5 million visitors per year.

Here, the most fantastic and prestigious museums in the world in their field are offered to you. Judge for yourself: the National Automobile Museum – Schlumpf Collection and its 400 vintage cars, including the most expensive car in the world (the Bugatti Royale), the Musée de l’Impression sur Etoffes with its 3 million samples collected in its archives and its temporary exhibitions in partnership with great designers, the Cité du Train and its mechanical wonders or the Ecomuseum of Alsace one of the biggest in Europe.

But Mulhouse is much more!

it's much more!

Numerous parks and gardens dot the city, the most famous of which is the Zoological and Botanical Park, opened in 1869. From the medieval city to the industrial epic of the 19th century, the exceptional heritage of this former independent republic that became one of the European textile centers, has earned it the label “City of Art and History“. A stroll through the different districts is a must: from the villas of the 19th century industrial leaders to one of the first working class cities, passing by old brick factories or by its old Rhenish Renaissance town hall. And Mulhouse has no shortage of examples in terms of reconverting its industrial heritage. University, artists’ collective or business incubators: the youngest city in France is betting on the future, innovation and youth!

Art in Mulhouse

In Mulhouse, if you don’t come to art, art will come to you! The city has a park of contemporary works that makes it a real open-air museum: you can find contemporary artworks in parks, on streetcar lines or in the streets. It’s up to you to go and discover them with the help, for example, of our digital tours. Notable artists include Daniel Buren and his famous black and white stripes on the arches lining the tramway’s Line 2. More traditional, but quite typical of the Mulhouse area and more broadly of the Rhine, many painted walls tell the story and make people dream: from the trompe-l’oeil frescoes of the city hall created in 1698 by the Mulhouse painter Jean Gabriel to the more modern ones created on walls left to local painters in the 1990s by the City to brighten up the streets. They are often inspired by historical figures from Mulhouse, street names… This “tradition” continues today in the form of street-art thanks to the M.U.R. (Modulable Urbain Réactif) rue de la Moselle, 3rd of its name in France to offer a monthly meeting to local street-artists but also to national and international big names, on the Quai des Pêcheurs and to “Graffitipolis” in the covered parking lot of the Kinépolis, among others.

Shopping !

A little shopping break perhaps? At the Covered Canal Market, the largest in eastern France, you can naturally find local Alsatian products, but also from all over the world! In the city, many brands are waiting for you: from big national brands (sometimes precursors in Mulhouse) to local designer stores.

Mulhouse Alsace Greeters

And to end your stay in beauty, why not make an unforgettable encounter? Our Greeters, these passionate volunteers, will give you a taste of their city like never before, with all their warmth and authenticity.

Mulhouse Alsace, ideal to radiate

At the crossroads of 3 countries, Mulhouse is the ideal starting point to radiate throughout the region: Strasbourg, Colmar in Alsace, Belfort, Montbéliard and Besançon in Franche-Comté, Basel in Switzerland and Freiburg-in-Breisgau in Germany are all great destinations. Its hotels, which are excellent value for money and the cheapest in Alsace, are another must-see.

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Clémence Saycocie

+ 33 (0) 389 35 47 43 or +33 (0) 618 50 37 06
