Friday 7 february from 21:00 to 22:00

Show: Bordel, on hérite!

  • Theater
CSC PAX, 54 rue de Soultz, 68200 Mulhouse
An inheritance of 400,000 euros for two brothers and a sister who have nothing in common...

It's obvious that with news like this, financial good times are on the way.

But getting the money isn't easy: to enjoy their inheritance, the three characters will have to unanimously agree on their project. Except that one wants the money, the other wants to give it away, and the third has no opinion...

Will they really inherit?

22 € / 17 €

Opening times

On 7 February 2025 from 21:00 to 22:00


Show: Bordel, on hérite!
CSC PAX, 54 rue de Soultz, 68200 Mulhouse
Contact Show: Bordel, on hérite!
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