As part of the Heritage Days, the Grand'Rue library offers a "Writing with pen" workshop.
Practise writing in the manner of 19th century schoolchildren, with pen and ink, with the artist Valérie Merli. On the programme, writing quotations on the theme of books and writing in Gothic Textura, and the possibility of calligraphy in a volume at the end of the workshop. From 9 to 99 years old (and more!)
Practise writing in the manner of 19th century schoolchildren, with pen and ink, with the artist Valérie Merli. On the programme, writing quotations on the theme of books and writing in Gothic Textura, and the possibility of calligraphy in a volume at the end of the workshop. From 9 to 99 years old (and more!)
Contact Journées du Patrimoine - Atelier écriture à la plume