Wednesday 23 april from 15:00 to 15:50

Ballet: Kamuyot

  • Spectacle
Gymnase Maurice Shcoenacker, Rue Jules Verne, 68200 Mulhouse
Ohad Naharin

Ballet for young audiences.
Created for Batsheva’s Young Ensemble (2003).
Inspired by Mamootot and Moshe by Ohad Naharin.
Repertory of the OnR Ballet.

The audience take their seats in two stands facing each other, delineating the space for an improvised stage in the middle of a gymnasium. No set, no curtain, none of the usual theater trappings. A piercing whistle rings out and the show begins. Fourteen dancers dressed like some kind of rebels charge in from all sides, the...

Opening times

On 23 April 2025 from 15:00 to 15:50


Ballet: Kamuyot
Gymnase Maurice Shcoenacker, Rue Jules Verne, 68200 Mulhouse
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